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ForGuest Terms and Conditions

Service Agreement

Rules and regulations for use of the site and ForGuest software

Terms and conditions of use for online portals and legal restrictions
ATTENTION: please read the following conditions carefully before using the ForGuest websites. Use of the sites implies acceptance of the conditions listed below: in cases of non-acceptance, do not use the internet services offered by ForGuest.

Use of websites and web software
ForGuest authorizes the viewing and downloading of the documents available on its sites, where not specified, for personal or commercial purposes, if authorized, as long as the rules regarding copyright and property rights are respected. No modifications, reproductions or transmission of the inserted contents are allowed. Their use on other websites or other forms of communication is prohibited, subject to authorization by ForGuest. The ForGuest Apps or WEB Apps are subject to specific regulations published at the time of registration and in the dedicated sections.

Limitation of Liability
ForGuest will under no circumstances be liable for damages, and including without limitation, any such deriving from loss of profits, data, or business interruptions, generated by the use, or inability to use, of its services, or products, or consequences of content, or information of any kind, present on its sites, or transmitted by them. The software is made available as it is and it is the customer's responsibility to check if it are suitable for their requirements in terms of modules, contents and provision of services.

Disclaimer of Liability
All services and products are provided and managed from Italy and as such they respect the specific legislation currently in force. In the event that in certain areas legislation does not allow for the exclusion of implied warranties, the rule reported in this paragraph will not be applicable in such a case. The contents, including the software and services available in the Software and in the ForGuest sites are provided without any guarantee including those of marketability and suitability for specific uses. ForGuest does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the materials, software or services provided on its sites and may make changes to them at any time, as well as certain contents that may not have been updated, and the company assumes no responsibility for their obligatory updating. The information itself may refer to data not available in some countries.

Use of software
Unless otherwise specified, ForGuest software is protected by copyright. The use of the same is subject to the contractual conditions indicated in the published specifications and obligatorily to be confirmed before use. By using the applications, the contractual conditions are implicitly accepted. The reproduction or redistribution of software is prohibited, except for specific resale authorizations, issued by ForGuest, or where permitted by specific contractual conditions. The software may be provided by different server platforms, controlled by ForGuest, which reserves the free positioning, on the market, based on the best conditions of use, convenience and functionality, as evaluated by ForGuest, as productive for the purpose of delivery.
The use of ForGuest software and web services (applications available online, owned by ForGuest), is permitted on condition of acquisition of an annual use license, included and connected to assistance and renewable where provided, upon payment of the fee indicated in the contract, to be paid annually in advance to cover the services provided by ForGuest.

Contractual resolutions
The licenses to use the Software in the form of SaaS (Software as a Service) are provided by ForGuest on an annual basis with no automatic annual renewal. In any case, it is possible to continue with the service, continuing the payment of the specific annual fee within the expiry of the service itself. Following the expiry date, it will not be possible to continue using the Software without paying the renewal fee. After 30 days from the natural expiry of the contract, in case of non-receipt of payment for the service, ForGuest may interrupt the service itself, deleting any data relating to the customer and any related information. In the event of violations of the law by the customer, or the insertion of inappropriate content, or incorrect use of the platforms, ForGuest may also unilaterally interrupt the online supply and use of the service and remove all customer data present on its applications, reserving the right to charge any eventual costs for early termination.

Links to other websites
The links on the ForGuest sites are provided solely for the convenience of users. If used, the user leaves the ForGuest sites. ForGuest has not examined these sites, does not manage them and is not responsible for the material contained therein, thus navigation is the sole responsibility of the user.
Third party sites that wish to offer links to ForGuest sites may do so but without replicating their contents. Nor may they create an environment that contains the ForGuest contents within them, nor make statements involving the opinions of ForGuest referring to third party products or services, nor may they use the company trademarks owned by ForGuest, or offer content that is illegal and/or offensive and/or judged to be in bad taste.

Update 16/04/22

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Host Software

Save Bookings and boost your Network activities, bring the best of your area to the Guest!

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Guest Software

Stop repetitive check-in procedures, get the best from your vacations, local services and products at your fingertips, fast, comfortable, now ... and free... Why not?

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Provider Software

Join the Local Tourism Chain, improve your customer channels, your services or products, always available with a simple click, easy and powerful, just choose your connection level
