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Software Cloud

Renewable Cloud Platforms

The ForGuest Cloud software is suitable for every user in the tourism sector, thanks to its scalability, security and simplicity. These features mean it is always accessible and ready to be used.

software scalabileThe family of products available range from Applications for Hosts (Owners, B&Bs, Holiday Homes, Hotels, Holiday Villages, Residences, etc.), to applications for Guests (a portfolio for Crew/Teams, online services, information), Applications for Service and Product Providers (i.e. the tourism supply chain aimed at Guests which can provide them with services and products that may be useful for their vacation or as an experience), to complete Applications for Property Management, or rather Cloud platforms for the management of structures, distribution via O.T.A.s, sites, message management, check-in, holiday management, checkout, tax and financial processing, reporting and API integration.

As a service Cloud software is the most flexible and scalable solution for the customer today.
They are application programs that do not require installation and are updated and maintained so as to constantly offer modular and up-to-date solutions.

Cloud solutions can grow together with the market and are always available online, since all the customer needs to do is access the Internet. There are no concerns regarding backup, since this is carried out automatically on the server side, guaranteeing a higher degree of security.
In security terms, ForGuest software complies with GDPR legislation regarding data processing, making this a strong point of the service.

software green

ForGuest uses servers which operate using exclusively green and therefore renewable resources, thereby demonstrating constant attention to the environment.

Are you interested?

Host Software

Save Bookings and boost your Network activities, bring the best of your area to the Guest!

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Guest Software

Stop repetitive check-in procedures, get the best from your vacations, local services and products at your fingertips, fast, comfortable, now ... and free... Why not?

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Provider Software

Join the Local Tourism Chain, improve your customer channels, your services or products, always available with a simple click, easy and powerful, just choose your connection level
