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ForGuest About us

Cloud Software & Apps

ForGuest delivers Booking Management and Guest interactions via Cloud Services and Apps.

The company's target is not the sales of products, but the delivering of tourist management

As an Estar Group Partner, ForGuest has the opportunity to offer standard or custom solutions, with a complete online service, from the first request to all the Application Life Management and support.

ForGuest works from the web by evaluating, projecting and developing tools at the customer’s disposal throughout Europe.

With headquarters in Italy, Italian resources, national and international Partnerships and here on line every day providing the best tools for Guests, Hosts, Product and Service providers, all working together in the tourist sector.

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Host Software

Save Bookings and boost your Network activities, bring the best of your area to the Guest!

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Guest Software

Stop repetitive check-in procedures, get the best from your vacations, local services and products at your fingertips, fast, comfortable, now ... and free... Why not?

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Provider Software

Join the Local Tourism Chain, improve your customer channels, your services or products, always available with a simple click, easy and powerful, just choose your connection level
